Heightened Security For Boston Marathon

New safety measures are in place for this year’s Boston Marathon.
FOX News Radio’s Tonya J. Powers explains.
“Securing America.”
Unmanned aerial vehicles are banned from the Boston Marathon route, making it a “no drone zone”.
Peter Judge is with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and says that includes remote controlled model aircraft, too.
(Judge) “Simply for a matter of safety of the runners and spectators.”
He says they could pose a risk to law enforcement and media helicopters, too. But that’s not the only reason…
(Judge) “We’re not worried about it as a threat, per se. It’s just, if it’s not necessary, it’s one less thing we have to worry about.”
It’s part of the “See Something, Say Something” campaign, urging people to report suspicious conduct or items on race day.
Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio.