Senator Marco Rubio: Tossing Hat Into The Presidential Ring?

Republican Marco Rubio is getting ready to launch his 2016 Presidential campaign, a day after Democrat Hillary Clinton jumped into the race.
FOX News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington.
Hillary Clinton says she’s running so that middle class Americans…
(Clinton) “Can do more than just get by… you can get ahead and stay ahead.”
Republican Senator Marco Rubio also striking a populous tone, ahead of his expected Presidential launch today .
(Rubio) “America is the story of everyday people, who did extraordinary things.”
Rubio will be the third Republican to announce — joining Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. As he gets ready for his announcement in Miami, Clinton is already on the road in a van – named Scooby — bound for battleground states Iowa and New Hampshire.
In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News Radio.