Anti-ISIS Protests Following Jordanian Pilot’s Execution [VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Raad Adayleh)
(AP Photo/Raad Adayleh)Protests

In Amman, Jordan Wednesday there were anti-ISIS protests, in response to the execution of a Jordanian pilot.

FOX News Radio’s Jessica Golloher has more: 

The father of Jordanian pilot Muath Al-Kaseasbeh saying that his son’s death must be avenged because his blood is the blood of the nation.

This as Amman executed two Iraqi’s on death row linked to al Qaeda including Sajida al-Rishawi, who Jordan was willing to trade for the pilot. Al-Rishawi was involved in a suicide bombing and was seen as a powerful symbol for ISIS.

Jordan’s king is expected to address the country’s response.  He has just arrived here from the U.S.

In Amman, Jordan, Jessica Golloher, FOX News Radio.

WATCH for more on this story.