New Year Brings New Laws Of The Cyber Variety

Thanks to the recent success of hackers and cyber criminals, one state’s new laws are going to focus on your data and how it’s stored.
FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal reports.
Starting January 1st, companies in California can no longer just maintain personal information. They’ll have to also maintain reasonable security measures to safeguard information they do not own.
Also, companies will have to notify the owner of personal information immediately if they’ve been breached and, in a logical way. So, if someone’s log-in credentials were breached, you don’t alert them via email since email requires logging in using those very credentials.

The state will also prohibit the sale of people’s social security numbers and the invasion of privacy law is being updated. Currently, you cannot record a person’s actions that could be considered offensive using a device that captures visual images or sounds. The law is being changed to say you can’t capture those activities using any device.
Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.