VIRAL VIDEOS: Dads Pull Out Surprise Dubstep Dance For Christmas

‘Tis the season to indulge with a few memorable holiday videos going viral now on Facebook.
“Dads Pull Out Surprise Dubstep Dance For Christmas.”
Get ready for a healthy mix of naughty and nice in this viral video featuring a dad dance troupe performing a bumbling, yet impressive dub step routine set to the “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy,” while wearing ugly Christmas sweaters… from a clothing collection that is subtly being advertised by a U.K. supermarket chain that also sells clothes. Well played advertisers. Well played.
Then, there’s this:
“Ranchin’ Trombone Cow Christmas.”
The musically inclined Kansas farmer Derek Klingenberg, notorious for herding his cattle with songs and treats is at it again.This time, serenading his heifers with the holiday classic, “Jingle Bells” on his trombone. The cows flock toward the farmer, much like the Pied Piper, as he starts playing the tune. Farmer Derek then releases a flurry of popcorn for the cattle, who lap it up like a bunch of hungry cows.
And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:
“The Avengers Sing Christmas Carols.”
Nothing says seasons greetings like clips of Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth and the rest of the gang from the ultra popular Marvel Avengers movie — being edited to sing Christmas songs. But, the best part is when Groot — that alien tree looking thing from Guardians of the Galaxy is auto-tuned to sing “Jingle Bells.”
For these videos and more, go to FOX News
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