Deadline Nears for Enrollments

Today is the day to enroll in a plan, if you want coverage in the new year.
FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern has more from the White House.
The second year of open enrollment — the President says, is going much better than the first…
(President Obama) ”We had a bumpy roll out. The website wasn’t working. It’s working flawlessly now.”
President Obama calling in to ESPN Radio’s “The Herd with Colin Cowherd” — part of a series of radio show call-ins to encourage young Americans to get coverage… by today’s deadline.
(President Obama) “For an average of about 82-bucks a month, you can get high quality health care coverage.”
The Congressional Budget Office expects as many as 13-million people to have a health plan through government exchanges next year, a figure the Obama administration has stressed may not be met.
At the White House, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.