VIRAL VIDEOS: John Lewis Christmas Advert 2014

(YouTube / John Lewis)
(YouTube / John Lewis)

Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook.

“John Lewis Christmas Advert 2014.”

You’ll need tissues to get through this trending Christmas ad from UK retailer, John Lewis. The spot features Monty the penguin –who is computer generated, and his friend — a little boy, who notices Monty seems lonely… prompting the child to give Monty a Christmas gift — a penguin companion. Cue the parents watching the exchange warmly, and a twist. The computer generated penguin is now gone. He was a stuffed toy the entire time, and the child is showing the stuffed Monty his new toy love.

Metaphors abound, and hearts are melted.

Then, there’s this:

“Jingle Bellies – Kmart Joe Boxer Commercial 2014.”

Kmart deviates away from nice to slightly naughty in this amusing holiday ad, featuring men playing “Jingle Bells” on their bellies. This year’s viral ad spring boards from last year’s “Show Your Joe” spot — when men wearing Joe Boxers played “Jingle Bells” by shaking their… hips.

Leave it to the big box retailer to make Christmas a little controversial.

And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:

“Happy Holidays from Coca Cola.”

This delightful commercial shows Santa sipping a Coca Cola in his workshop, opening a magic book that allows St. Nick to observe people performing good deeds for others. The sentimental ad leaves viewers feeling warm and fuzzy inside –with a hankering for a sip of soda, and a desire to spread good will.

For these videos and more, go to FOX News

I’m Lauren Faulkner and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.

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