Ferguson Protests Stretch Across America [VIDEO]

Fierce reaction in Ferguson, Missouri following the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown Jr. shooting case.
FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso reports:
No probable cause in charges for Officer Darren Wilson led to violence overnight (Monday), with over a dozen buildings burned to the ground and scores of cars and police cruisers, torched.
(Resident) “Town’s all smashed up. Police cars on fire. ((Sounds of shots)) // Hey! Hey! Hey! Those are rounds going off! Those are rounds going off!”

We’re told at least 150 shots were fired last night (Monday), with businesses trashed — with parts of Ferguson and the surrounding area looking like a wasteland.
In St. Louis, Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.
WATCH for more on this story:
LISTEN to a timeline of events in Ferguson from FOX News Radio’s Jessica Golloher:

There were protests around the country following the announcement of the grand jury’s decision.
FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal reports:
People rallied in multiple cities — Seattle, LA, Oakland, New York, Philly, New Orleans, Chicago…

(Protestor) “We’ve got to fight back.”

Some protesters said they were angry, others seemed a bit more sad — including this woman in Los Angeles, who said she understands the grand jury believes the officer did not commit a crime.
(Protestor) “I’m not saying the officer’s guilty or not, I’m saying get into at least a trial, and let them figure that out. But, I believe we all deserve to know everything.”
She said, before word of the official decision came down — she had a feeling the grand jury would decide not to indict.
Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.