Instead Of Writing Mom A Ticket, Cop Buys Her Child A Booster Seat

    (AP Photo/Emmett Township Department of Public Safety)
    (AP Photo/Emmett Township Department of Public Safety)

    A police officer in southern Michigan opens his wallet instead of writing a ticket.

    Fox News Radio’s Pam Puso has the story. 

    When officer Ben Hall pulled a car over in Emmett Township, he found a five-year-old girl unrestrained in the back seat, but he didn’t write a ticket.

    (Hall) “A ticket doesn’t solve the situation. What solves it is the child being in a booster seat like she should be.” 

    Instead, he told the child’s mother to meet him at a Walmart where he bought the booster seat, saying it was the easiest 50 bucks he’s ever spent.

    (Delorenzo) “I’m really almost at a loss for words, because he really didn’t have to do that.”

    Mom Alexis Delorenzo says she and her daughter were being driven around by a friend since her car had been re-possessed with the booster seat in it.

    Pam Puso, FOX News Radio.