FOX Wheels: Think Your Kids Are Strapped In Properly? Think Again.
Strapping your kids in your wheels the right way, and who pays the most in auto insurance?
FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso has the details in “Fox Wheels”:
It’s FOX Wheels.
Think you’ve got your kids strapped in the right way?
The latest report from Safe Kids Worldwide that 70% of parents do it wrong, and that 9 out of 10 parents move kids ages 4 to 10 from booster seats to seat belts… before they should.
(Carr) “There are dangers of severe injuries that would be caused by the seat belt. Instead of protecting them, it would in fact injure them.”
Safe Kids spokeswoman Kate Carr says some parents don’t even buckle their kids up at all. One of the reasons why crashes…
(Carr) “Are the second leading cause of death to cancer for kids.”
The big thing…
(Carr) “Fifty-seven inches… four feet nine.”
Before kids lose their booster seats. More details at
Drivers in Detroit pay dearly for auto insurance… 165% more, thanks to the high rate of uninsured drivers there and to Michigan’s no-fault law.
Good news for you drivers in Charlotte, North Carolina. reports you pay 43% less than the national average.
That’s FOX Wheels, I’m Jeff Monosso.
Follow Jeff on Twitter: @JeffMonosso