Bill Clinton: ‘I Could Have Killed’ bin Laden [VIDEO]

Bill Clinton

Newly released tapes reveal former President Bill Clinton had Usama bin Laden in his cross-hairs, but chose not to kill him.

FOX News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington:

President Clinton made the revelation on September 10, 2001, just hours before the 9/11 attacks. FOX’s sister network Sky News acquired the tapes. In them, Clinton said he “nearly got him”.

(Clinton) ”I could have killed him. But I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and killed 300 innocent women and children.”

The 9/11 panel has found there were several missed opportunities to go after bin Laden and al Qaeda before the terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News Radio.

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