Border Disorder: Migrant Child Tests Positive For H1N1 Flu Virus

Federal health officials are ordering up thousands of doses of flu vaccine now that one of the unaccompanied migrant minors being held in a Texas military installation after crossing the U.S. border has tested positive for H1N1 influenza.
FOX News Radio’s Eben Brown has the story:
FOX News Radio has learned one of the children who crossed the U.S. border into Texas unaccompanied and placed into the care of the Federal Government, has been shown to be infected with H1N1, otherwise called “Swine Flu”. The minor child was being held at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, but has since been moved to a hospital in the area– off the military installation. The Texas State Department of Health Services confirms they’ve delivered about 2,000 rounds of flu vaccine to the Federal agency. No other child is known to be ill.
Eben Brown, FOX News Radio.