Hidden Cash: Twitter Money Giveaway

    (AP File Photo)
    (AP File Photo)

    Someone who’s been giving away cash in one California city doesn’t plan to stop there.

    FOX News Radio’s Lisa Brady reports:

    One way to exponentially increase your Twitter followers: Start hiding money and tweeting clues. Since @hiddencash started giving away money on Friday, the mystery philanthropist’s following has gone from hundreds, to tens of thousands. But the stated goal is giving back. In several anonymous interviews, including one to “Time” magazine, hidden cash describes a fortune made in real estate, urging the “haves” to be a little more generous, and also urging anyone struggling not to rely on games of chance for salvation. The wads of cash stashed around San Francisco, have turned up in a wide range of places… At the beach, taped to a parking meter, under a bulldozer. The creator says the plan now is to go nationwide.

    Lisa Brady, FOX News Radio.