AEHQ: Primary Election Roundup

Mitch McConnell

Voters in a half-dozen states made some big decisions Tuesday night.

FOX News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland has the results of some key races:

Several key races were decided that could have an impact on the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.

Mitch McConnell

In Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell held off a challenge from a Tea Party candidate and will take on the Democrat Kentucky Secretary of State:

(Grimes) ”I’m Alison Lundergan Grimes and with your help I will be the next United States Senator from Kentucky.”

Senator McConnell says if that happens, nothing will change in Washington…

(McConnell) ”A vote for my opponent is a vote for Obamacare, and the President who sold it to us on a mountain of lies.”

(AP Photo/Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Kent D. Johnson)
(AP Photo/Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Kent D. Johnson)

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal took the Republican nomination, allowing him to run for re-election against former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson, state Senator Jason Carter.

Tom Wolf

In Pennsylvania, Democrats picked millionaire Tom Wolf to take on Republican Governor Tom Corbett in November.