VIRAL VIDEOS: Beer Pong with Diane Keaton

Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook:
“Beer Pong with Diane Keaton.”
Diane Keaton takes beer pong to an entirely new level during her recent appearance on the Tonight Show. Host Jimmy Fallon tries to explain the rules to the bubbly actress, who is very excited to hear the red plastic cups are filled with chilled red wine instead of beer. Eager to get her drink-on, Keaton tweaks the rules of the game, so she can chug as much as possible while dancing to The Roots.
Then, there’s this:
“DuckTales – Saturday Morning Slow Jams.”
Proving nothing is sacred anymore, the ’90’s theme song to the popular children’s cartoon gets a sexed-up make-over thanks to the folks from Postmodern Jukebox… who turn the innocent and dangerously catchy tune into an R&B slow jam. Poor Uncle Scrooge is probably rolling over in his coin-filled vault over this sacrilege.
And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:
“Davenport University Student Back flip Graduation Commencement Fail.”
Donning his cap and gown, Robert Jeffrey Blank eagerly accepts his graduation diploma and proceeds to do a back flip on the stage, but the stunt goes epically wrong and the recent Davenport University grad face-plants in front of his close family, friends … oh, yeah- and the entire student body. But, don’t worry. He gets up and is okay. Although, everyone can relive the moment over and over again, because the viral clip …of course, includes a slow motion instant replay.
It looks like paying back those student loans and facing an uncertain job market are the least of Blank’s problems right about now.
For these videos and more, go to
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