Remembering the Brave: President Obama Awards 24 Medals of Honor

In a ceremony taking place in the East Room of the White House, President Obama awarded 24 Army veterans the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry.
These veterans received the Medal of Honor in recognition of their valor during major combat operations in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
Listen to Fox News Radio’s Special Coverage of the Medal of Honor Ceremony:
President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to the following recipients:
Specialist Four Santiago J. Erevia
Staff Sergeant Melvin Morris
Sergeant First Class Jose Rodela
President Obama posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor to the following on behalf of the recipient listed:
Lenora Alvarado, accepting on behalf of her father, Specialist Four Leonard L. Alvaraydo
Richard Conde, accepting on behalf of his father, Staff Sergeant Felix M. Conde-Falcone
Shyrell Jean Copas, accepting on behalf of her father, Specialist Four Ardie R. Copas
Tina Duran-Ruvalcahbaba, accepting on behalf of her father, Specialist Four Jesus S. Duran
Command Sergeant Major Michael Grinston, accepting on behalf of Sergeant Candelario Garcia
Charles Baldonado, accepting on behalf of his brother, Corporal Joe R. Baldonado
Tyronne Espinoza, accepting on behalf of his father, Corporal Victor H. Espinoza
Pete Corrall, accepting on behalf of his uncle, Sergeant Eduardo C. Gomez
Laurie Wegner, accepting on behalf of her uncle, Private First Class Leonard M. Kravitz
Iris Negron, accepting on behalf of her father, Master Sergeant Juan E. Negron
Michael David Pena, accepting on behalf of his father, Master Sergeant Mike C. Pena
Sergeant Ashley Randall, accepting on behalf of her grandfather, Private Demensio Rivera
Joe Rodriguez, accepting on behalf of his uncle, Private Miguel A. Vera
Nancy Weinstein, accepting on behalf of her husband, Sergeant Jack Weinstein
Dominga Perez, accepting on behalf of her father, Private Pedro Cano
Miriam Adams, accepting on behalf of her uncle, Private Joe Gandara
Alfonzo Lara, accepting on behalf of his brother, Private First Class Salvador J. Lara
Patricia Kennedy, accepting on behalf of her father, Private First Class William F. Leonard
Alice Mendoza, accepting on behalf of her husband, Staff Sergeant Manuel V. Mendoza
Robert Nietzel, accepting on behalf of his cousin, Sergeant Alfred B. Nietzel
Dr. Terry Schwab, accepting on behalf of his father, First Lieutenant Donald K. Schwab