Report: Small-Scale Attack Could Cause Nationwide Blackout [VIDEO]


(AP File Photo)
(AP File Photo)

There’s a new report showing how a small-scale attack could put us all in the dark.

FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern reports:

On a hot summer day, when energy use is high, a coast-to-coast blackout could be triggered by attackers targeting just nine substations.

The Wall Street Journal publishing a previously unreported study by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

That study found coordinated attacks in each of the nation’s three separate electric systems could cause the entire power grid to collapse.

The acting chair of the FERC calls the newspaper report irresponsible, giving a road map to those with malicious designs, adding that the agency ordered mandatory standards to protect critical facilities.

In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.

WATCH for more on this story: