Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill On Refusal Of Service [VIDEO]

Jan Brewer

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoes a controversial bill, criticized as being anti-gay, that would have allowed business owners to deny services based on their religious beliefs.

FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso reports:

(AP Photo/Office of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer)
(AP Photo/Office of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer)

The SB 1062 bill is dead and opponents in Arizona and across the U.S. are celebrating the Governor’s veto.

(Kloefkorn) “She did the right thing for the state. She did the right thing for the country.”

Sheila Kloefkorn with the Human Rights Campaign.

While supporters of the bill like Tony Perkins with the Family Research Council say the narrative was high-jacked.

(Perkins) “You create a stampede by spooking politicians and the public with misinformation.”

Arguing the bill was about religious freedom to avoid what happened recently in Colorado where a baker faces jail time and in New Mexico where a judge ruled against a photographer. Both of whom, based on their religion, refused to service gay weddings.

In Washington, Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.

WATCH for more on this story:

READ a statement from U.S. Senator John McCain on Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s veto of SB 1062:

“I appreciate the decision made by Governor Brewer to veto this legislation. I hope that we can now move on from this controversy and assure the American people that everyone is welcome to live, work and enjoy our beautiful State of Arizona.”