State Department Names Groups Involved in Benghazi Attack

The Obama administration identifies two Libyan militant groups that may have taken part in the deadly consulate attack in Benghazi.
FOX News Radio’s Steve Taylor reports from Washington:
The State Department says two branches of the organization Ansar al-Sharia, in the cities of Benghazi and Darnah are terrorist groups that may have helped stage the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki adds this caution:
(Psaki) “Today’s announcement is not an assertion that Ansar al-Sharia in Benghazi and Ansar al-Sharia in Darnah were the only two organizations whose members were involved in the attack in Benghazi.”
State also says one of the group leaders was released from Guantanamo prison in 2007.
In Washington, Steve Taylor, Fox News Radio.