VIRAL VIDEOS: Week of December 13th


Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook.

“Saturday – Rebecca Black and Dave Days – Official Music Video.”

In this music video sequel to her infamous hit “Friday,” YouTuber Rebecca Black returns… fulfilling her legacy to destroy the days of the week through auto-tuned song.  Joined by musician Dave Days, the pair sing about extending the Friday night party into Saturday, while cavorting with friends on a beach – who apparently have zero responsibilities, and enjoying a mosh pit in someone’s home.

Then, there’s this:

“What Does the Spleen Do? ft. Harvard Medical School.”

The Ivy League medical students sing about organ functions in this humorous parody of Ylvis’ “The Fox,” that leaves the brilliant students wondering about the mysterious spleen.

And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:

“WestJet Christmas Miracle: Real-Time Giving.”

Canadian based airlines WestJet spreads holiday cheer in this touching video.  The clip shows passengers telling a virtual Santa their Christmas wishes at a boarding pass booth before departure.  Behind the scenes, WestJet employees are scrambling to buy, wrap and deliver the passengers’ desires to their arriving terminal before the plane lands.  The gifts are then unloaded in the baggage carousel, surprising the weary travelers.

For these videos and more, go to

I’m Lauren Faulkner and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.

Follow Lauren on Twitter:  @FaulknerFOXNews