Kennedy Cousin Skakel Granted Bail, Awaits New Trial

    (AP Photo/The Stamford Advocate, Bob Lucky, Pool)
    (AP Photo/The Stamford Advocate, Bob Lucky, Pool)

    A Kennedy cousin, who was convicted of killing a neighbor when they were both teenagers, was granted bail and now awaits his new trial.

    FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso reports:

    , $1.2 million bail was granted. Martha Moxley’s family telling reporters outside court in Stanford, they’re disappointed.

    (Moxley’s Family) “We stand behind the state. We know the state will appeal and we’re confident that Judge Bishop’s decision will be overturned.”

    In a statement, the Skakel family says they look forward to Michael being vindicated and justice finally being served.

    Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.