2 Girls Arrested In Connection With Death Of Bullied FL 12-Year-Old

    (AP Photo/The Lakeland Ledger, Ernst Peters, File)
    (AP Photo/The Lakeland Ledger, Ernst Peters, File)

    An online confession about bullying leads to felony charges against two teenage girls in Florida in connection with another girl’s death.

    FOX News Radio’s Eben Brown reports from Miami:

    Deputies in Polk County, Florida took the two teen girls at the heart of a cyber-bullying suicide case into custody after one of them posted online they did in fact bully the 12-year-old Rebecca Sedwick and didn’t care she took her own life last month. Sheriff Grady Judd doesn’t understand why the girls still had access to social media…

    (Judd) “Why did she even have a device? Why didn’t her parents say, ‘you’ve lost the ability to have this with you saying nasty, hateful, ugly things to Rebecca’.”

    Now that girl, and another are charged with felony stalking.

    In Miami, Eben Brown, FOX News Radio.