72-Year-Old Hunter Survives 19 Days Lost In Woods

A 72-year-old hunter from San Francisco spent nearly three weeks lost in a forest… and survived.
FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal has details on how:
Gene Penaflor and a friend went hunting in the Mendocino National Forest September 24th. They got separated when fog rolled in — Penaflor fell and hit his head.
(Penaflor) “I passed out. I don’t know how long.”
He says he wrapped himself up in leaves and grass to stay warm. He had trash bags, a lighter and seven bullets. He survived on berries, a snake and three squirrels.
(Penaflor) “Those three squirrels were dead because of me.”
His son Jeremy says he never lost faith that his dad was okay.
(Jeremy) “Nineteen days, I know was nothing for him. So I, I knew he was there.”
Other hunters found him and notified the Sheriff’s Department.
Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.