Shutdown Continues As Debt Ceiling Looms

    Budget Battle
    We’re a day closer to hitting the U.S. debt ceiling, but nowhere near the end of the budget stalemate.

    FOX News Radio’s Rich Johnson reports from Washington:

    As bad as the federal shutdown may be, experts say that’s nothing compared to what happens if the U.S. defaults on its debt.

    (Sperling) “Most people believe it means that, for years and years to come, we will all pay higher interest rates.”

    That’s National Economic Council Chair Gene Sperling at an event sponsored by the web site Politico.

    On the federal shutdown: House Speaker John Boehner says he doesn’t have the Republican votes to pass a spending bill that’s free of Obamacare amendments. Democrats are telling Boehner… Prove it, by scheduling a vote.

    In Washington, Rich Johnson, FOX News Radio.