Shutdown: Who’s To Blame?

    Vicki Maturo

    Who’s to blame for the government shutdown?

    FOX News Radio’s Tonya J. Powers reports:

    Budget Battle

    It doesn’t seem to matter what their political leanings are, most people seem to be in agreement on one thing. That elected officials in Washington need to grow up.

    (Person on Street) “I really think they have to act like more adults than they’re doing right now. I think it’s very unprofessional on both sides.”

    (Person on Street) “Grown men and women in Washington, they should be able to sit down and compromise…give and take a little bit.”

    (Person on Street) “I think everybody’s to blame…they’re acting like children. This is our government, and the government can’t decide how to settle this? It’s like ‘I’m taking my ball and I’m going home’.”

    And there are some who aren’t losing sleep over the whole thing…

    (Person on Street) “I don’t vote. I don’t care what happens with politics.”

    Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio.