Car Chase Ends With Shots Fired Near U.S. Capitol [VIDEO]

APTOPIX Capitol Lockdown

A car chase ended with gunfire Thursday triggering a lockdown at the U.S. Capitol. The lockdown has since been lifted.

FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern has details on the incident from Capitol Hill:

Capitol Lockdown

The end of a high speed chase and gunfire, witnessed by many lawmakers, Capitol Hill staff and tourists. The driver, who led police on that chase from the White House, is dead. She tried to ram her black sedan through security barricades.

APTOPIX Capitol Lockdown

Secret Service chasing her here to the U.S. Capitol complex. A young child in the vehicle as all of this was happening, the Senate Sergeant at Arms says that child is now at a hospital. One U.S. Capitol Police Officer was hurt in the car crash. The police chief describing those injuries as non life-threatening.

On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.

WATCH for more on this story: