Government Shutdown: What’s Still Open?

Need to do business with the U.S. Government today? Not everything is closed because of the shutdown.
FOX News Radio’s Tonya J. Powers reports:
Let’s start with what’s open. Mail delivery stays on schedule and checks from social security or other benefits will be sent out. Air travelers, you’ll still have air traffic control to get you there safely and there will still be TSA screeners available to pat you down.
Cliff Coles is with Amtrak and says not to worry.
(Coles) “Amtrak will be remaining open for business.”
Uniformed Military personnel will stay at their posts. The bad news? All national parks, zoos, monuments and museums are closed. The Pentagon is furloughing half of its 800,000 workers and small business loan processing will stop. One thing to cease that probably won’t upset many people? IRS auditing appointments.
Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio.
President Obama says it’s up to Republicans in the House to solve the partial government shutdown.
FOX News Radio’s Mike Majchrowitz reports from the White House:
Accepting no responsibility for the partial shutdown — President Obama said Republicans on an ideological crusade against his healthcare law bear the blame.
(President Obama) “That’s not how adults operate.Certainly that’s not how our government should operate.”
The President vowing the shutdown would not impact the launch of the healthcare exchanges. He acknowledged glitches in the roll out but says even Apple has technical issues but nobody tries to shut them down.
(President Obama) “That’s not how we do things in America. We don’t actively root for failure. We get to work. We make things happen. We make them better. We keep going.”
The President attributing delays with the online exchanges on a robust public response.
At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.