Affordable Care Act Exchanges Open

Today, the Affordable Care Act health insurance exchanges are open across the country– whether consumers are ready or not. Like many Americans, you may be confused about how it works and what those in the exchanges can expect.
FOX News Radio White House Correspondent Mike Majchrowitz reports:
Those previously without health insurance now have several options under Obamacare. Each with its own benefits and limitations. The color coded system starts with bronze, policies that pay 60% of healthcare bills.
Praeger: “Somebody who thinks they are relatively healthy and don’t expect to have a lot of out of pocket expenses, the bronze plan would make some sense.”
But Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger says it also has limited networks, meaning you might not get the doctor or hospital you prefer.
Praeger: “That is something they really want to look at to make sure the network of providers is going to be there to meet their healthcare needs.”
Silver plans cover 70%, gold 80% and platinum at 90%. The trick is finding the one that meets your needs that you can still afford.
At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.