Obama Cancels Meeting With Putin Amid Snowden Tension

More strain for U.S.-Russian relations as President Obama cancels a planned meeting with President Vladimir Putin.
FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern reports from Washington:
A rare rebuke, President Obama nixing plans for a one-on-one with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. It’s the latest show of icy relations, made worse by Russia’s decision to grant asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden.
The President was scheduled to meet with Putin in Moscow ahead of next month’s G20 Summit.
The White House says President Obama will still attend the G20 in St. Petersburg, but has no plans for an individual meeting with Putin.
Relations with the former Cold War foe have been troubled by differences on missile defense plans, the conflict in Syria and human rights.
In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.