National Spelling Bee Champion

    Arvind Mahankali

    A New Yorker has emerged as the nation’s best speller after winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

    FOX News Radio’s Ron Flatter reports:

    When he finished third the last two years Arvind Mahankali was stumped by words that began as German. So guess what his last word was in this year’s Scripps National Spelling Bee?

    (Announcer/Mahankali) “ Knaidel.//Knaidel “

    A German-derived, yiddish word.

    (Announcer) “The small mass of leavened dough cooked by boiling or steaming as with soup, stew or fruit.”

    This time on ESPN the 13-year-old New Yorker delivered.

    ( Mahankali/Announcer) “K-N-A-I-D-E-L… knaidel.//You are the champion…”

    Arvind defeated ten other finalists near DC to win $30,000 in cash and prizes.

    Ron Flatter, FOX News Radio.