AZ Mom Jailed in Mexico

    Courtesy: myFOXphoenix
    Courtesy: myFOXphoenix

    She’s known to family and friends as a devout mother, but an Arizona woman is locked up in an Mexican jail accused of drug smuggling.

    FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso reports:

    Yannira Maldonado and her husband Gary were returning from a funeral in Mexico when their American-bound bus was stopped and searched, and Mexican federales say the found 12 pounds of marijuana under Maldonado’s seat. The 42-year-old mother of seven now facing time in a Mexican prison.

    (Brandon Klippel) “You hear about people in Mexico being kidnapped or being held until they get money for the police. My first reaction is this was just one of those cases.”

    Maldonado’s brother-in-law Brandon and other family members say the drugs weren’t hers. They’re pleading her release and Arizona Senator Jeff Flake also now involved and remains in contact with officials in Mexico.

    Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.

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