Holder Letter Acknowledges U.S. Citizen Deaths


    The Obama Administration has opened up about the killings of four U.S. citizens in what it describes as “sensitive counter-terrorism operations”.

    FOX News Radio’s Jill Nado has the story from Washington DC:

    Attorney General Eric Holder says in a letter to the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that U.S. Counter-terrorism operations targeted and killed one U.S. Citizen; Anwar Al-Awlaki. He goes on to say the U.S. is aware of three other citizens getting killed in similar operations, but he says they weren’t specifically targeted. Holder goes on to rationalize the killings, saying based on Supreme Court decisions made since World War II, it is clear and logical that U.S. citizenship does not make such individuals immune from being targeted.

    In Washington, Jill Nado, FOX News Radio.

    Editor’s Note: Attorney General Eric Holder disclosed the previously classified information in a letter to a top senator that also included the names of those killed and the revelation that only one was directly targeted in the strikes that began in 2009. He did not specifically call them drone strikes – rather, he referred to “counter-terrorism operations” -but most of the individuals he mentioned are known to have died in drone strikes.