FOX on Tech: Russia Developing Killer Robots


Russia says it’s creating killer anti-terror robots.

FOX News Radio’s Jessica Golloher reports from Moscow:

FOX on Tech.

It’s the wave of the future, at least here in The Motherland. Russia says it’s developing special robots that will neutralize terrorists and help minimalize the causalities of a terrorist attack. The head of Russia’s Defense Industry says that the killer robots will also be able to evacuate injured civilians and servicemen from the scene. Dmitry Rogozin says that Moscow is also creating systems that can see terrorists through obstacles and engage them in a standoff without injuring hostages.

In Moscow, Jessica Golloher, FOX News Radio.

Editor’s Note: Human rights organizations have criticized the so-called killer robots, saying that the autonomous weapons won’t be able to meet international standards because it’s unclear who would be responsible for the robots’ actions in the event that they kill someone.