Concerns Over Boston Suspect’s Miranda Rights [VIDEO]

Boston Marathion Explosions

He has the right to remain silent, and Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has exercised that right after he had been giving the FBI valuable information about the attacks.

FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso reports:

Dept. of Justice spokesman Dean Boyd released the following statement:

“Consistent with the Rules of Criminal Procedure, following the filing of the criminal complaint in this matter on Sunday, the Court, that evening, scheduled an initial appearance for Monday, which it then coordinated with the prosecutors, federal defender, court reporter, U.S. Marshal Service and the hospital.  The Rules of Criminal Procedure require the Court to advise the defendant of his right to silence and his right to counsel during the Initial Appearance.  The prosecutors and FBI agents in Boston were advised of the scheduled initial appearance in advance of its occurrence.”

Click HERE to read more on the Boston Marathon bombings