Gun Control Battle In Washington


    President Obama returned to Washington from his Connecticut gun control speech along with some special guests on Air Force One to try and persuade legislators to support his measures.

    FOX News Radio’s Mike Majchrowitz reports from the White House:


    A dozen family members of Sandy Hook victims came to Washington with the President on Air Force One last night. Press Secretary Jay Carney says they’ll lobby Senators today to support gun control measures.

    (Carney) “Family members who have felt the pain of the Sandy Hook tragedy most keenly are important voices in this discussion.”

    But not all the Sandy Hook family members think the legislation is a good idea. Mark Mattioli lost his six-year-old son James at Sandy Hook.

    (Mattioli)”Gun control works for people who abide by the laws. Criminals who can duck most of the gun crime don’t care about the law.”

    Mattioli says he wishes more of the focus was on addressing mental health issues.

    At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.