Police Release New Mass Shooting Advice

    Mass Shooting Advice

    If you found yourself in a place with an active shooter firing at will, would you know what to do?  Police departments around the country are changing their advice for those in the middle of a mass shooting.

    FOX News Radio’s Steve Knight reports:

    Connecticut School Shooting

    The recommendation to run, hide or fight back started developing after the attack at Columbine in 1999.  Back then, even first-on-the-scene police officers were told to wait for a SWAT team.  But after the Virginia Tech massacre, and then Newtown, Connecticut:

    (Police Radio) “6-7, Sandy Hook school.  Caller’s indicating she thinks that someone’s shooting in the building.”

    …Police realized that cops should go in fast and potential victims should run, hide or fight back.

    The New York Times reports that a study of 84 mass shootings in the past 10 years found police take an average of three minutes to respond.  But by then, about half of the attacks were already over.

    Steve Knight, FOX News Radio.