Obama Hitting Road on Gun Control

Barack Obama, Joe Biden

The possibility of tighter gun control has led to a steep increase in gun and ammunition purchases.  This week, President Obama goes on the road to try to firm up Senate support for gun control measures.

FOX News Radio White House Correspondent Mike Majchrowitz has details from the West Wing:

Last week, the President complained some Senators are getting “squishy” on the issue of gun control.  This Wednesday, he will try to firm their support with a campaign-style stop in Colorado.  Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest says the President will remind Senators that polls show public support for the measures.

(Earnest) “What we need is we need Congress to reflect the will of the people who elected them and act quickly on some of these common sense measures.”

But many Republicans – and even some Democrats – are concerned the measures would be more of an infringement on Constitutional rights than protection against future violence.

At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.