Girl Scout Cookie Heist

    Girl Scout Cookies Theft

    It’s Girl Scout cookies season, but in one state, the supply became surprisingly lean.  Now, a South Carolina man has been arrested and charged with stealing more than 5,000 boxes of cookies.

    FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig has the story:

    Christopher Morton

    Police say 37-year-old Christopher Morton is the Cookie Monster, stealing nearly $19,000 worth of Girl Scout cookies from a Spartanburg, South Carolina warehouse.  Brian Carey owns the warehouse and found more than 450 cases of cookies missing, but only in two varieties.

    (Carey) “I believe it was Thin Mints and Shortbreads.”

    Authorities followed the proverbial trail of crumbs to Morton, a truck driver at the warehouse.  Caught with his hand in the cookie jar – and with 350 of the missing cases – Morton’s been fired and charged with breach of trust more than $10,000.

    (Carey) “We feel like we’ve been robbed and the Girl Scouts have been robbed.  Obviously, we’ll take care of this.”

    Guess that’s just how the cookie crumbles.

    Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.