Owner: Dog Possibly Poisoned at Westminster

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    Was a prize dog poisoned at a dog show in New York? According to the owner and dog handler, the answer could be yes.

    FOX News Radio’s Ron Flatter reports from New York:

    Lynette Blue’s three-year-old Samoyed, Cruz, died in Colorado only days after competing in the New York’s prestigious Westminster Dog Show.

    Now Blue and Cruz’s handler suggest a possible poisoning.

    A veterinarian saying symptoms resembled those of a dog that had taken rat poison.

    Handler Robert Chaffin told the “New York Times” he suspects extreme animal-rights advocates might have been responsible. But he and Blue admit they have no firm evidence to support this.

    A spokeswoman for PETA, the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, says it’s scurrilous to even suggest it.

    In New York, Ron Flatter, FOX News Radio.