Housecall for Health: Asparagus Cures Hangovers
Even adults aren’t always fans of their vegetables. But one veggie in particular may help you avoid kicking off the new year with a hangover.
FOX News Radio’s Kirstin McNary reports in today’s “Housecall for Health”:
A glass of champagne is nice on New Year’s Eve, but the thought of a hangover may deter you from picking up an extra glass. A 2009 study out of South Korea found eating asparagus may be the answer to your dilemma.
Alcohol puts stress on the liver, but asparagus contains amino acids and minerals which protect the liver against toxins. So, those unwanted feelings of nausea, headaches and fatigue that come with drinking could be a thing of the past.
Housecall for Health, I’m Kirstin McNary, FOX News Radio.