22 Students Face Charges After Fraternity Death

Almost two dozen fraternity members at Northern Illinois University are facing hazing charges after a deadly night of drinking.
FOX News Radio’s Jennifer Keiper reports from Chicago:
It apparently got pretty wild at the Pi Kappa Alpha house at Northern Illinois University in November.
Police say pledges went room-to-room, answered questions and then had to drink vodka and other liquor. Several pledges got sick. Freshman David Bogenberger was found dead in the house.
Lt. Jason Leverton with the Dekalb Police Department says the 19-year-old’s blood alcohol content was about five times the legal limit for driving.
(Leverton) “There was a pre-planned event that involved the knowing and intentional provision of alcohol to people that they knew were minors. Not only that, just that, in a short time period there was an expectation to drink a large amount of alcohol.”
Five frat members are charged with felony hazing. Seventeen others face misdemeanor charges.
In Chicago, Jennifer Keiper, FOX News Radio.