Cost of Superstorm Sandy

    Superstorm Sandy, according to New York’s Governor, may have been worse than Hurricane Katrina in some respects. Just what kind of damage did Sandy cause?

    FOX News Radio’s Courtney Kealy reports from New York:

    According to New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, Superstorm Sandy was worse in some ways than Hurricane Katrina.

    (Cuomo) “Hurricane Katrina, which is the obvious comparison, in many ways was not as impactful as Hurricane Sandy believe it or not. When you look at the number of housing units damaged or destroyed, 305,000 in New York, 214,000 in Hurricane Katrina.”

    Governor Cuomo saying New York needs $42 billion to recover. New Jersey’s Governor Chris Chirstie estimates damage in his state costing more than $29 billion.

    In New York, Courtney Kealy, FOX News Radio.

    Editor’s Note: East Coast damage is estimated more than $62 billion and more than 100 people died. Hurricane Katrina killed more than 1,800 people and caused some $108 billion in damage along the Gulf Coast.