Housecall for Health: Staying Healthy During Sandy

Monster storm Sandy has slammed the East Coast causing power outages and severe flooding in places. What’s the best way to stay healthy in the middle of a powerful storm like Sandy?

FOX News Radio’s Marghiee Teshineh reports in today’s “Housecall for Health”:

What happens if you’re stranded by the severe East Coast storm and you’re having health issues? Some advice from medical experts…

Make sure you have a three-to-five day supply of your medications.

Know CPR and other first aid techniques to help your neighbors.

Stay in touch with neighbors who could help you if you’re in distress.

Don’t call 911 unless it’s an actual medical emergency. And be prepared for the possibility that emergency aid may not be able to reach you.

Housecall for Health, I’m Marghiee Teshineh, FOX News Radio.