FOX on Tech: Microsoft Must-Win with Windows 8?

Microsoft has unveiled a new overhaul of its Windows operating system in New York City, and its CEO’s job might just hinge on the new software’s success.

FOX News Radio’s Courtney Kealy reports from NYC:

FOX on Tech.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 8:

(Ballmer) “This is one of the three epic moments I’ve had a chance to participate in: the launch of the IBM PC, the launch of Windows 95 and the launch of Windows 8.  And this is gonna be the start of yet another round of great things.”

Windows 8 is a shift from previous versions of the software because it’s based on touchscreens and smartphones.  Microsoft can’t afford a flop, with market experts saying it’s falling behind companies like Apple, Google and Amazon as personal computers become less relevant in the age of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

In New York, Courtney Kealy, FOX News Radio.