New Planet Resembles Star Wars Site

    A whole new world has been discovered in space, and it resembles a famous made-up Hollywood location.

    FOX News Radio’s Lisa Brady reports:

    Life imitating art…or, in this case, space imitating Star Wars.

    (Star Wars) “May the force be with you.”

    What looks eerily similar to Luke Skywalker’s home, Tatooine, has been spotted by amateur astronomers and confirmed by professionals: A planet with twin suns, orbited by two more stars – the first discovery of its kind.

    They’re calling the planet PH-1 – a gas giant a bit bigger than Neptune – found and confirmed through the Yale University-led Planet Hunters Project, which invites citizen astronomers to review data from NASA’s Kepler Telescope.  NASA calls the phenomenon a cirumbinary planet in a four-star system.

    Lisa Brady, FOX News Radio.