College Official Put on Leave for Signing Marriage Petition

    A Maryland university is coming under fire from both conservative and liberal camps after putting a member of the school’s administration on leave.

    FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig has the story:

    Gallaudet University Chief Diversity Officer Angela McCaskill is on paid leave for signing a petition to put same-sex marriage to the voters on November’s ballot.  The school’s President defends the move, saying Dr. McCaskill took part in a legislative initiative.  But McCaskill’s lawyer says she has not expressed her personal view on the matter, something she will do only in the voting booth.

    Marylanders for Marriage Equality’s Josh Levin says it shouldn’t matter which way she plans to vote.

    (Levin) “Everybody should be able to participate in the political process, and that’s why we’ve called on the University to reinstate her immediately.”

    Maryland legalized gay marriage last year, but the law has not gone into effect.

    Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.

    CLICK HERE to read more on the story from FOX News & Commentary’s Todd Starnes.