Study: Tomatoes Lower Stroke Risk

A key to reducing your chances of suffering a stroke might be growing in your backyard garden.

FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig explains:

Tomato, tomahto…either way, there’s another reason they’re good for you.  Researchers in eastern Finland finding, over a dozen years, that men with a higher level of the antioxidant lycopene in their blood are nearly 60% less likely to have a stroke than those with the lowest levels.

Lycopene is found in red fruits, some of the highest levels in tomatoes.

(Snyder) “Get creative.  Maybe for lunches, add extra tomato onto your sandwich, put it into a wrap.”

Cleveland Clinic registered dietitian Carolyn Snyder.  The findings published in the journal Neurology.

Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.