Securing America: Grim Milestone in Afghanistan

The war in Afghanistan has reached a grim milestone: 2,000 American troops have been killed.

FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso reports in our ongoing series on national security:

Securing America.

Afghan soldiers, who were supposed to be allies during a gun battle in eastern Afghanistan, took the lives of two American servicemen, pushing U.S. military deaths to 2,000 in 11 years.

(Panetta) “This is a war.”

And Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, last week, during a Pentagon briefing said…

(Panetta) “It is a war that will continue to demand perseverance.”

But insider attacks by Afghan soldiers or police have killed dozens of American and NATO troops so far this year, drawing a major problem for the U.S. exit strategy from Afghanistan, which has focused on training Afghan forces to take over when we leave, by the end of 2014.

Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.