Iran’s President Stirs Controversy In NYC [VIDEO]

He’s at it again. Fiery words from the President of Iran who is in New York City for the U.N. General Assembly.

FOX’s Jonathan Hunt has more from outside the United Nations:

President Ahmadinejad seems as determined as ever to be as controversial and confrontational as ever. In a meeting with reporters at his midtown Manhattan hotel, he essentially mocked the idea that Israel may launch an attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities. The White House responded to those and other controversial comments through National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor who said quote:

“President Ahmadinejad’s comments are characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous. They underscore again why America’s commitment to the security of Israel must be unshakable, and why the world must hold Iran accountable for its utter failure to meet its obligations.”

Listen below to reaction from White House Press Secretary Jay Carney: