Armstrong Gives Up Fight Against Doping Allegations

He’s giving up the fight, so now Lance Armstrong may have to give up a lot. The cyclist is ending his battle over allegations he cheated.

FOX News Radio’s Rich Johnson has details from Washington:

It was a feat that nobody thought possible:

(Announcer) “Is there any stopping Lance Armstrong in this Tour de France? And the answer is no, there is not”

Seven Tour de France wins, including five in a row.  But doping allegations dogged Lance Armstrong for years, especially after he came back from a near-fatal fight with cancer.

Now, Armstrong says he’s finished fighting the US Anti-Doping Agency, which he says has been waging an unconstitutional witch hunt.

The head of the USADA says Armstrong must be stripped of his titles and banned for life. But that decision must come from the International Cycling Union, which has been on Armstrong’s side in his battle with the USADA.

In Washington, Rich Johnson, FOX News Radio.